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A seriously not-so-serious DIY enthusiast that might have been just a wee bit driven to take nicer photos. What it takes…


  • Curiosity
  • Creativeness
  • Desire to learn
  • Drive to build… and maybe take apart and rebuild…

Have you ever been called MacGyver? There are certainly worse things to be called! It eventually becomes a badge of honor. The DIY journey started for me over 50 years ago. At three years old, I took apart my very first 35mm Kodak camera, to my parents chagrin. That camera never did take another picture, but it did imprint a fascination with mechanical objects on me. I don’t believe anything ended up getting imprinted on my behind, but I attribute that to my then-keen ability to make it look like the camera took itself apart. Eventually, I did learn how to put most things back together. Better yet, I developed an interest in innovating on a budget. For over 50 years I’ve enjoyed the process of building, creating, improving.

So, creating is what makes me tick, and what really floats my boat is creating things that perform as well as their expensive counterparts. Repurposing and recycling are just icing on the cake. Thanks for taking the time to check out my stuff. I’ll be adding a few more PVC and photography related projects, as time allows.