It’s Time To Build Your Your Own DIY Light Box Studio!

DIY Light Box

This is one of the three basic sizes, the Taller Tabletop version. It offers exceptional versatility. The picture links to the full tutorial. A middle level adds the ability to light from below, which can create some amazing effects!

A few Components that really make this light box shine:

  • The 4 Way Snap Corners that we sell allow rails, or pipes, to be removable without having to disassemble your lightbox. With a couple of tools and a little skill with a saw, you can make these yourself.
  • We designed these lightboxes to accommodate easily sourced material for use as shelves. We settled on a particular acrylic sheet for use as a moveable platform, for its translucence. You can use anything for a platform, even stiff cardboard, but the ability to light from below can add incredible effects. Here’s a link to the acrylic sheet:
  • For a list and comparison of other components, like backdrops, fittings, etc.: Parts
Is it time to take your photography to the next level?

We’ll cover three different size light boxes, each with simple instructions and pictures, suitable for a DIY builder. Not everyone needs a super-sized photo studio, so pick the size that’s right for you. The components are reusable, so you can start small, and when it’s time to scale to that larger size, it’s quick, inexpensive, and it’s very easy! There are several options for inexpensive light boxes. The least expensive include repurposed cardboard boxes, as well as many cheap (under $50) pop-up kits and light tents. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with those approaches! I used many of those options for years, but once I ventured down the PVC road, I never felt the need to search for a better option.

Advantages of modular design studio light boxes:

You don’t need to stick to the instructions and you can easily tailor this project to fit your space, your budget, and your needs. Channel your inner maker! You’ll find a lot of information here, free of charge. We are working on including other projects for helpful accessories that are also modular in design.

We do offer the DIY instructions for free,

“If you’re giving away the instructions for free, how do you make money?” Here’s how we earn money:

  • As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
  • Purchase from our own online web store. We stock some cool specialty components, as well as complete kits of all three models we highlight.
  • Consider purchasing a set of our plans, which provide greater details, specs and tips, for specific projects (coming soon!).
  • Share our website with others.
Getting Started
Grab Some Tools
Pick Up Some PVC
Build Your Box!